Integration is an important phase where you can reflect on your experience and potentially apply the experience of your dosing session to your everyday life.

Reflection: You will be invited to share your psychedelic experience, touching on the emotions, thoughts, and awarenesses you encountered. I will follow your lead and we will only ask you to share your experience insofar as you find it helpful.

Connecting with Daily Life: Together, we will explore ways to apply your experience to enhance your wellbeing, relationships, and overall life perspective.

Coping Strategies: We’ll check in on your coping strategies and coping mechanisms to address any challenges and support positive changes.

Ongoing Support: These sessions provide a supportive space for ongoing reflection, adjustment, and growth as you integrate your experiences.

Remember, every individual’s journey is unique, and my approach will be flexible and adapted to your specific needs and responses. I am here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that this journey is meaningful, safe, and conducive to your growth and healing. (Fluence)